In only a few seconds, create the slogan introduction by typing your phrase!
Vibrant Typo Opener Create a brief introduction or opener with vibrant, vivid font, dynamic text animations, and glitch effects using minimalist style. For a more powerful look, you can convert all hues to black and white. A creative method to use text alone to promote a particular event. Colorful Typo Opener is an excellent template that is easy to customize and well-structured. Simply upload your photo or video, tweak the text, add sound, and then take pleasure in the finished product! LISTEN UP! You can download the same template HERE for After Effects program only. Key Elements
Project Features :
If you have Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2021 and above you don’t need installed Adobe After Effects software
No plugins required / free support 24-7 / very easy to edit
Only english version software!
1080p (1920×1080) resolution
PDF Help File included
Change All Settings with Control Layer (Color Control)
You have to install fonts BEFORE running project!
Used Music, Images and Videos just for Preview, not included in the project file
Used Free Fonts (Font links included)
9 titles placeholders to type your text
0:36 sec duration
Music Link – Light HipHop
Thank you so much for being interested in our templates! Please check another projects in a same style for Adobe After Effects software only.
More information :
Software Version : Premiere Pro CC
Files Included : Motion Graphics Template Files
Media Placeholders : 0
Text Placeholders : 9
Resolution : 1920×1080
Length : 0:36
File Size: 1MB